Art Miami - Top level - over 100 galleries, both national and international. So much to see - whether you like paintings, photography, sculpture, video ... fresh faces or the masters. All was well organized and easy to enjoy. My Favorite: Wilde Gallery / Artist: EVOL/CT'INK. Spray paintings on cardboard! check it out!
Aqua - Wynwood and Hotel - This used to be my favorite show ... we went opening night, there was a great turnout and the art was interesting. I still love the open hotel setting! but I leaned towards liking Aqua Wynwood much better (over all my #1 show) ! The location was a little hard to find and the aisles were hard to follow in the beginning (more like a maze) but relaxed booth settings, it did not feel like a trade show. A wonderful mix of art, unique - great quality, edgy and variety of art and medium. Favorite: Kasia Kay Art Projects / Artist: Qin Fengling - a different form of painting right out of the tube - close up or from a distance the work says a lot!
Red Dot - Great Fair! Nice overall look and feel, Organized well and wide aisles - approximately 40 galleries. This show seemed to be a little safer in the work shown - not too edgy, but interesting, I might even say decorative. It was nice to see 3D objects more integrated with the 2D pieces - but don't let that scare you away - make the effort! They are located right in the middle of the Wynwood Art District so it is easy to find and get to.
Bridge - Wynwood seemed a little disorganized looking, the quality of the fair overall was a little more experimental and edgy, maybe even rough at the edges, but a great start for a first time non-hotel show! ... A good selection of international galleries.
The Hotel fair always has a great bustle to it ... a perfect place to sit out front to people watch.
The hotel was not full room to room with art, so we were disappointed there, but we enjoyed the presentation and liked EVERYTHING in the room by: Toomey Tourell not a total bust after all. Great Bloody-Marys at the bar!
NADA - This fair always gets the greatest verbal buzz ... I guess I just don't understand conceptual art as much as everyone else. I thought in years past the craftsmanship and overall mix of work was much better than what I saw this year. It is a great place to see what is new and what young artists are going thru in their experimental phases ... don't skip it, but go with an open mind.
SCOPE - This fair I liked a lot - edgy with a polish. We attended Wednesday and the galleries were still hanging work and putting on the final touches, which was a little distracting, but the quality was fantastic and the work and ideas were fresh! I noticed a few continuing (popular) techniques from fair to fair - one was a focus on cut paper art, the other was graffiti artists moving to the next level. Favorite Artist here: Shepard Fairey.

PULSE - This fair was segmented into multiple rooms, each area had a different feel to it. Great galleries and fine quality in the artists. We went slow and really enjoyed the whole thing. I can't say I had a favorite gallery or artist, I always like the work by: Brian Dettmer - Again cut paper seems to be a new trend of art ... and I like it!
Art Now - This fair seemed to be artists representing themselves, more than a gallery feature - More entry level and less refined. best find ...
lobby had facinating photography by Stasys - the Thomas Masters Gallery (a personal favorite of mine!)
there are more ... we ran out of time!